Hi all,

I'm running a synth and there are no observations for any of my variables in some periods, as it notes there are 10 units without any data in period 228. its not that there is an observation in period 228 but just the dependent var m_age is missing, there is nothing. I thought I could just exclude this one period however I think the missing entries are randomly around the data and so I would be excluding too much. Is it just not possible to run synth if there isn't data in every single period?? If so would it be fine to just generate an period that is equal to the previous or something like that so that there is an entry in every period??


synth m_age c_number, trunit(84) trperiod(468) nested fig -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synthetic Control Method for Comparative Case Studies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Step: Data Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- control units: for 10 of out 36 units outcome variable m_age is missing in 228 pre-int > ervention MSPE period - check mspeperiod() invalid syntax r(198);