Dear community,
I am benefiting from reading threads across this forum in several technical dimensions, but there are a few preliminary ad-hoc things I think it is better to ask directly.
I am studying a rather standard dataset of criminal offences. Each row corresponds to a crime. My dependent variable is a binary for whether the crime is of a certain category (use of weapons). My independent variables correspond to a big set of time dummies, the area-code of where the crime has been committed and a few demographic indicators of offenders as well as some other variables I created. I have about 100k observations and 100 area groups.
My original plan was to start by setting up a panel logit estimation with fixed effects at area-code (xtlogit, fe), a typical approach in the literature, where it is also common to re-frame the problem from an offender-based analysis into a neighborhood (or whatever other favored area-code) based one. However, given the nature of my study, a neighbourhood analysis would make little sense.
My problem:
For some reason, Stata gets stuck at the estimation phase. I impute command xtlogit y x, fe, I receive several "note" messages about a few multicollinear time dummies and then nothing. Stata keeps loading indefinitely with no output whatsoever. I would like to know whether it is related to the panel structure I am using and whether it is advisable to drop it. In this case, I have a large set of time-invariant regressors about the properties of the given neighborhoods that I could include to make up for the FE.
Thank you for your time and patience.
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