I am trying to create a graph of means and confidence intervalls for 6 different variables (feelings of safety in own home (=in der Wohnung), own neigbourhood (=in der Wohngegend) and public transportation (=im ÖPNV) each during the day (=tagsüber) and at night (=nachts) ). I was not able to produce this graph with the original data so I saved the estimation results in a matrix and load them as a new dataset. Dataex produced the following input-command.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str6 A byte(F10 A_B) double(A1 A2 A3 A4 mean min95 max95) float(F10_l F10_r)
"F10a_A" 1 1 .31692161751240105 1.594665509658167 24.623643493240863 73.46476937958832 3.7123626063490436 3.6978947227735097 3.7268304899245774 .8 1.2
"F10a_B" 2 1 .4475622840404713 3.0959242581165918 32.59555139108329 63.86096206675938 3.5986991324056077 3.5814830728246037 3.6159151919866117 1.8 2.2
"F10a_C" 3 1 1.5737449551613583 10.219580310965979 44.33890636776225 43.86776836611006 3.3050069814482024 3.2829948945864245 3.3270190683099803 2.8 3.2
"F10b_A" 1 2 1.1167070610878893 6.112374489240198 37.12656320687904 55.644355242792656 3.472985666313755 3.4528994550503387 3.493071877577171 .8 1.2
"F10b_B" 2 2 6.598747820791035 23.626501218841124 44.18227196227794 25.59247899808948 2.8876848213766553 2.8583587391852046 2.917010903568106 1.8 2.2
"F10b_C" 3 2 15.092746289606 34.9326186549468 35.45368391155193 14.520951143894886 2.494028399097355 2.459035448792599 2.5290213494021105 2.8 3.2
label values F10 F10
label def F10 1 "in der Wohnung", modify
label def F10 2 "in der Wohngegend", modify
label def F10 3 "im ÖPNV", modify
label values A_B A_B
label def A_B 1 "tagsüber", modify
label def A_B 2 "nachts", modify
label values mean Sicherheitsgefühl
I then try to build a twoway graph containing the 3 bars for feelings of safety during the day and 3 bars for feelings of safety at night, which also contain the confidence intervalls and the means of each variable. The problem arises with the scatter-command because even though I format the variable means as %4,2f beforehand and even try to force it also in the scatter-command, the marker labels are portrayed with all the decimal places instead of only two (I couldn't upload a picture, so you just have to trust me on this).
If I try to specify mlabformat as an option to the scatter-command, Stata tells me "option mlabformat() not allowed" (I have no idea why, because the Stata help suggests that mlabformat should be a viable option). In the dataset itself, the format-command seemed to have worked as the variable "mean" is displayed in the specified format.
format mean %4,2f
graph twoway (bar mean F10_l if A_B==1, barw(0.3) bcolor(navy) yscale(range(1 4))) (rcap min95 max95 F10_l if A_B==1, color("214 220 229")) (scatter mean F10_l if A_B==1, yvarformat(%4,2f) yscale(range(1 4)) msymbol(none) mlabel(mean) mlabposition(8) mlabgap(1) mlabcolor(white) mlabsize(vsmall)) ///
(bar mean F10_r if A_B==2, barw(0.3) bcolor(red)) (rcap min95 max95 F10_r if A_B==2, color("214 220 229")) (scatter mean F10_r if A_B==2, yvarformat(%4,2f) yscale(range(1 4)) msymbol(none) mlabel(mean) mlabposition(8) mlabgap(1) mlabcolor(white) mlabsize(vsmall)), ///
name(F10_mean_b, replace) xlabel(1 "in der Wohnung" 2 "in der Wohngegend" 3 "im ÖPNV", labsize(vsmall)) ytitle("Mittelwert", size(medsmall)) ylabel(1 "sehr unsicher" 2 "eher unsicher" 3 "eher sicher" 4 "sehr sicher", labsize(vsmall) angle(0)) title("Sicherheitsgefühl alleine/ohne Begleitung", size(12pt) span) subtitle(" ") ///
legend(size(small) symxsize(small) order(1 4 2) label(1 "tagsüber") label(4 "nachts") label(2 "Konfidenzintervall") rows(1))
All the best,
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