Dear all,

I am generating tables to go in a paper for publication and I am using outreg2 to group a number of models in the same table. I have run something similar to below.

forv i=4/10 {
reg XYZ
outreg2 using table, append label excel tex(land frag) dec(3) sortvar(var1 var2 var3) keep(`localvars') ctitle(Model `i')
The table I end up with has the column title "model 4" as intended but in the row above that, there is the model number (if that is the right name for it), i.e. (1). It is this (1) I am trying to suppress or drop.

I have read the documentation and I can't see a way to suppress this number in the final table. It is confusing because the `i' and the column's model numbers are different.
