
I am trying to export a collection to an MS Word document where the entire table uses the "Times New Roman" font. I am able to select this font for the table. But, when I use the collect style putdocx command to add a title, the title shows up in a different font and I can't determine how to get the fonts to match.

Here is an example:

collect clear
webuse nhanes2
collect: regress bpsystol age weight
collect: regress bpsystol age weight c.age#c.weight
collect: regress bpsystol age c.weight##c.weight
collect style autolevels result _r_b _r_se
collect layout (colname) (cmdset#result)
collect style cell, font(Times New Roman,)
collect style putdocx, title(Models for systolic blood pressure) layout(autofitcontents)
collect style cell, font(Times New Roman, size(11))
collect export regression2.docx, replace
The line containing collect style putdocx, title(Models for systolic blood pressure) layout(autofitcontents) sets the title, but it is in the Calibri (Body) font, not Times New Roman.

Has anyone run across this and found a solution to display the table with one font?
