* Date: 20-Nov-2021 * File: * Problem: When using -nestreg- with -qreg-, factor * variables with more then 2 levels cause an error. * Example generated using Stata/IC 16.1 for Windows clear sysuse auto // Use -regress- with -nestreg- nestreg: regress mpg (c.weight) (i.rep78) // Replace -regress- with -qreg- capture noisily nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.rep78), nolog display "Error code: " _rc // Let's try again using computed indicator variables tabulate rep78, gen(rep) nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (rep1-rep4), nolog // That works // Once more with i. prefix on the indicators nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.rep1 i.rep2 i.rep3 i.rep4), nolog // That also works // So factor variables with 2 levels work, but not with 5 levels? // How many levels cause problems? forvalues i = 3/5 { capture noisily nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.rep78) if rep78 < `i', nolog display "Levels = " `i'-1 " Error code: " _rc display "---------------------------------------------" } // Looks like it falls apart with 3 or more levels to a factor variable // Generate another factor variable with 3 levels to confirm that it is // not something peculiar about variable rep78. generate byte newvar = mod(_n,3) fre newvar capture noisily nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.newvar), nolog display "Error code: " _rc // The previous line generates an r(111) error--variable b not found // If I use only 2 levels of newvar, everything works! nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.newvar) if newvar < 2, nolog nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.newvar) if newvar > 0, nolog nestreg: qreg mpg (c.weight) (i.newvar) if newvar != 1, nolog
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