City (Origin) State (Origin) City (Destination) State (Destination) Departure Time Arrival time
Fort Lauderdale FL Asheville NC 700 854
Asheville NC Fort Lauderdale FL 945 1134
Fort Lauderdale FL Newark NJ 1200 1400
Newark NJ Las Vegas NV 1500 1900
Las Vegas NV Charlotte NC 2000 2300
This is an example, not the true data. The given departure time and arrival time are all given based on its local time. Plus, when it comes to departure time and arrival time, 700 is 7:00 (AM) and 854 refers to 8:54 (AM). Likewise, 1200 is 12:00 (PM) and 2300 is 23:00 (PM) local time.

Do you know how to convert each and every departure and arrival time according to EST (For example) ? I was wondering if there is any command or tools to make them consistent with each other.

Thank you.