Hi everyone!

I am currently trying to display a coefplot with the coefficients of multiple regressions where I have triple interactions. Namely:
- Gain, aLoss: continuous variables
- first: dummy 0,1
- Cond: factor variable with values 1,2,3

In my regression I have coefficientes like 2.Cond#0.first#c.aLoss and 2.Cond#1.first#c.aLoss.

Now, when I see the estimates on the table, both coefficients are estimated (not dropped), but as soon as I put them in esttab or coefplot, the coefficient 2.Cond#0.first#c.aLoss gets dropped.

I already tried forcing it with keep, but it keeps dropping them. I figured out that I can partially solve this for the tables using estout instead of esttab, but for coefplot I don't seem to find a solution.

To reproduce this:
sysuse auto, clear
reg price c.mpg rep78#fore#c.mpg
coefplot, keep(3.rep78#0.foreign#c.mpg 3.rep78#1.foreign#c.mpg)
Here, the same problem happens.

I would like to thank you all in advance for your help!