local barcall upper activemonth_final if inrange(activemonth_final, `=tm(2018m6)', `=tm(2018m8)') | inrange(activemonth_final, `=tm(2019m6)', `=tm(2019m8)') | inrange(activemonth_final, `=tm(2020m6)', `=tm(2020m8)')| inrange(activemonth_final, `=tm(2021m6)', `=tm(2020m8)')
twoway bar `barcall', legend(label(1 "Months Out of School")) || line goodservices activemonth_final if activemonth_final>=`=tm(2018m1)' & activemonth_final<=`=tm(2021m8)', xline(`=tm(2020m3)') xlabel(`=tm(2018m1)' (6) `=tm(2021m8)') ylabel(280000 (10000) 306000)  xtitle("Date") ytitle("Number of Services") legend(label(2 "# Services Over Time")) || scatter goodservices activemonth_final if flag==1, legend(label(3 "April and May")) plotregion(margin(zero))
I am using the code above and I am just not sure how to change the color for the barcall. Right now it is blue but I would like to make it light gray.