I am trying to find the effect of drought on agricultural production using a model of the following form:
I have panel data of the form:
Country | Continent | Year | agprod | drought |
ABW | LAC | 1972 | 13413513 | 0 |
ABW | LAC | 1973 | 15213523 | 1 |
ABW | LAC | 1974 | 13513513 | 1 |
ADO | WEOFF | 1972 | 353413 | 0 |
ADO | WEOFF | 1973 | 234233 | 0 |
I have tried several specifications and progressively including country FEs, time FEs etc.
These are the results I get:
I am now hesitating between model (4) and model (5).
Model (4) is a regression of ln_agprod on my drought indicator and adding country FEs and continent-year FEs. Model (5) is a regression of ln_agprod on my drought indicator with a linear country-specific time trend and both country FEs and year FEs.
My coefficient of interest is significant in both regressions I am thus hesitating which model to choose as my baseline. I am tempted to say model 4 is more simple and still accounts for unobserved heterogeneity and the fact that year effects may be different across regions.
Any thoughts?
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