consider the following example code:
clear all input hhid year income 117 2 63000 117 3 74500 117 4 72200 119 1 33200 119 2 37040 120 -1 67200 120 0 91600 end list, sepby(hhid) reshape wide income, i(hhid) j(year)
In the above
- hhid is the ID of a household,
- year indicates deviation from some selected base year, and
- income is income of that household in that year.
income-1 invalid variable name
I didn't see anywhere in reshape's documentation any requirement for the i-s and j-s to be non-negative, hence I expected it to be applicable in this case as well.
Tracing the code indicates that the problem is deep within reshape's own code, around reshape.Widefix--> reshape.Subname, which attempts to create a variable name with original variable name subscripted with the category code.
My expectation is that variable income_1 is created for j=-1, while income1 is created for j=1, in other words the underscore character to replace the minus sign which makes the variable name invalid, currently.
However, since this is StataCorp's supplied code, it needs to be fixed by the developers. If the above expectation cannot be granted, perhaps a simple check for the category codes and clear message "Negative codes are not allowed in variable %j%, but found ### occurrences" would be very helpful.
Once it is known that the problem is due to the negatives, I understand that I can use numerous workarounds to fix the problem, such as to rebase the year, for example, but it is the strange error coming out somewhere from deep inside the code that is the problem.
PS: I was also surprised to see that -reshape- utilizes globals, meaning some globals such as S_1 will be ruined by the -reshape- command without any notice to the user.
Thank you, Sergiy Radyakin
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