
I use Stata 14 and am trying to export a tabstat table into word. I have read through some topics on this question but could not find a solution.

I use:

eststo : tabstat _roe, statistics( mean median sd min max ) by(profit_status)
and then
estout using trial.rtf
but when opening the word file I get "est1 b". So I guessed this command only is suitable for regression tables.

Then I tried it with asdoc:
bys profit_status: asdoc sum _roe, stat(N mean sd min max), save(trial.doc)
but Stata returns the error message: "<istmt>: 3499 asdoctable() not found".

Finally I tried:
tabout _roe profit_status using triall.rtf, stats( N count mean median sd)
but I get the message that option N nor count etc allowed.

What I would like to do is report the mean of _roe by profit_status.

Help is highly appreciated.
