I have a model that predicts a smoking outcome using a manually splined education exposures variables. I am specifically interested in the effect of the eduhigh variable. From my logistic model's eduhigh coefficient, I can interpret that for each additional year of education after 11 years of education *, a person has 0.92 times the odds of ever smoking, compared to a person with one less year of education:
. qui svyset secu [pweight=wt_1992], singleunit(certainty) strata(stratum) vce(linearized)
. global basemodel_conf "c.myrs i. female i.race i.bplace c.birthyr_c i.myrs_mi c.fyrs i.fyrs_mi
> "
. svy: logistic smokeever c.edulow c.eduhigh i.edu11 $basemodel_conf if firstiw==1992
(running logistic on estimation sample)
note: 0.myrs_mi omitted because of collinearity
note: 0.fyrs_mi omitted because of collinearity
Survey: Logistic regression
Number of strata = 52 Number of obs = 5,851
Number of PSUs = 104 Population size = 14,556,027
Design df = 52
F( 12, 41) = 33.06
Prob > F = 0.0000
| Linearized
smokeever | Odds Ratio Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
edulow | 1.062162 .038769 1.65 0.105 .9871466 1.142877
eduhigh | .9233532 .0196973 -3.74 0.000 .8846617 .9637369
1.edu11 | .5742586 .0768288 -4.15 0.000 .4390507 .7511046
myrs | 1.025851 .0124483 2.10 0.040 1.001173 1.051137
1.female | .4006192 .0200339 -18.29 0.000 .3623694 .4429064
race |
black | .9421785 .1014996 -0.55 0.583 .7590149 1.169543
hispanic | .7825791 .090535 -2.12 0.039 .6204532 .987069
other / missing | .8619439 .1529093 -0.84 0.406 .6037801 1.230493
bplace |
southern birth | .8329578 .0763799 -1.99 0.051 .6929648 1.001232
immigrant | .6140813 .0722154 -4.15 0.000 .4849993 .7775183
birthyr_c | 1.001843 .0149788 0.12 0.902 .9722321 1.032355
0.myrs_mi | 1 (omitted)
fyrs | 1.003104 .0113082 0.27 0.784 .980667 1.026054
0.fyrs_mi | 1 (omitted)
_cons | 4.826659 .657321 11.56 0.000 3.672521 6.3435
Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
However, odds are difficult to interpret, and I would like to use a more easily interpretable measure, like prevalence ratio... Normally I would use margins command to calculate average causal effects, but here the predictor I am interested in (eduhigh) is continuous and not categorical. How can I best convert the odds ratio reported from this logistic model to a probability ratio or a non-odds effect measure, given a continuous exposure variable?
Thank you for the support!
* For completeness, my education variables are as followed: "edulow" (continuous variable representing 0-11 years of education), "eduhigh" (continuous variable representing12-17 years of education), and "edu11" (a binary discontinuity term, split at 11 years of education).
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