I would like to perform a comparison between Pooled OLS model, and estimators of random-effects model (xtreg, xtmixed and xtreg mle).
My regression is: firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility
To design correctly the comparison, I would like to design a comparison table with the regression output.
But I have difficulties to show the output for Wald, LR test, SSE or σ ̂u, θ and LR test in a regression output table. Do you know if a code exists for this? Array
I runned this command but Wald, LR test, SSE or σ ̂u, θ and LR test are missing.
eststab using example.rtf, se scalar (F df_m mss rss rmse r2 r2_a N)
use"File4.dta", clear global i i global t t global ylist firm_performance global xlist intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility describe $i $t $ylist $xlist summarize $i $t $ylist $xlist *Pooled_OLS model eststo: regress firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization *leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility *LSDV | LSDV1 without a dummy *eststo: regress firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility g1-g8 *test g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 *Comparison between Pooled_OLS_model and LSDV model *esttab using example.rtf, p scalars (F df_m rss rmse r2 r2_a N) *eststo clear *LSDV2 (without intercept) *eststo: regress firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility g1-g9, noconstant *LSDV3 (with constraint) *constraint define 1 g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + g5 + g6 + g7 + g8 + g9 = 0 *eststo: cnsreg firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility g1-g9, constraint(1) *Comparison between LSDV1, LSDV2, LSDV3 *esttab using example.rtf, se scalars (F df_m rss rmse r2 r2_a N) *eststo clear *One-way fixed effect ("within" estimation) with xtreg *eststo: xtreg firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility, fe i(industry_n) *One-way fixed effect ("within" estimation) with atreg *eststo: areg firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization *leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility, absorb(industry_n) *Two-way fixed ("within" estimation) *Comparison between OLS, LSDV and fixed "within" effects model *esttab using example.rtf, se scalars (F df_m mss rss rmse r2 r2_a N) *eststo clear *"Between" estimation *xtreg firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility, be i(industry_n) *One-way random effect xtreg eststo: xtreg firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility, re theta *One-way random effect xtmixed eststo: xtmixed firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility || industry_n:, *One-way random effect xtreg mle eststo: xtmixed firm_performance intangible_assets enterprise_value market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility || industry_n:, mle *Comparison between OLS, xtreg xtmixed and xtreg mle eststab using example.rtf, se scalar (F df_m mss rss rmse r2 r2_a N)
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