Dear Stata users,

I'm trying to produce a twoway graph, plotting size effect as bar and adding confidence interval. Everything run smooth, except when I'm trying to change bar's color to distinguish the different treatment. See code example below:

 graph twoway bar T1_C trt, text(.06  .05 "Control" , place(c))                 ///
                               text(.36 1.05 "Civ. Ed.", place(c))                 ///
                               text(.22 2.05 "Sec."    , place(c))                 ///
                               text(.45 3.05 "Combined", place(c))                 ///
                               bargap(1) barwidth(0.40) legend(off) color(grey%30) lcolor(%30) lcolor(black) ///
                               title("Civic Participation", box fcolor(white)) xlabel(,nolabels)     ///
                               xtitle("Treatment") ytitle("Index Civic Participation")            ///
                               subtitle(" ") graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(color(white)) ///
                               || ///
                rcap T1_C1 T1_C2 trt, vertical
Where, T1_C are the coefficient size, trt an indicator for the different treatment, T1_C1 and T1_C2 lower and upper value of CI interval. I tried to add the line of code below:

 bar(1,color(green)) bar(2,color(red))bar(3,color(blue))bar(4,color(orange))
but it doesn't works. Based on previous post on Statalist it seems that I might being confused between graph bar and bar, but I can't find what's wrong.

Many thanks in advance,