I am computing a multinomial logit on two outcomes (Marriage, Dissolution vs a reference outcome Censored).
I perform an interaction between eddyad and save23. As you can see, from the equation of Marriage, the interaction for a specific level of education and save23 results signficant.
This result would be in line with my hypothesis. However, if I do the Wald test for the all interaction (see below),
the whole interaction results not signficant.
I am uncertain on whether it is the case of commenting on the signficant interaction in the equation of Marriage.
If you could give me your advice, it would be heplful.
Thank you.Best regards, Lydia
Multnomial output
. svy: mlogit uniontype2 i.durationtype i.eddyad##i.save23 i.wave5 ib0.evunionpr if marital==3&duratyrs3>
> 0&duratyrs3<6&sampst==1&ivfioall==1&homo3==0&(minagentry>18&minagentry<37)&sex!=.&educ2_f!=4&educ2_m!=4&ag
> esm2_f!=.&agesm2_m!=. , rrr level(95)
(running mlogit on estimation sample)
Survey: Multinomial logistic regression
Number of strata = 1 Number of obs = 3,430
uniontype2 RRR Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]
3rd-4th-5th .5506879 .1072258 -3.06 0.002 .3757766 .8070146
One HE .7122864 .1922541 -1.26 0.209 .4193515 1.209849
Both HE 1.012125 .3568225 0.03 0.973 .5066604 2.021861
1.save23 1.412005 .3301809 1.48 0.140 .8922956 2.234414
One HE#1 1.166484 .4611182 0.39 0.697 .5369254 2.534217
Both HE#1 .9583136 .5243717 -0.08 0.938 .3274022 2.805006
1998-2008 1.552379 .3395749 2.01 0.045 1.0105 2.38484
2009-2019 1.623017 .4363169 1.80 0.072 .9575636 2.750924
Re-p man 1.274238 .3198818 0.97 0.335 .7785061 2.085638
Re-par 2.150853 .5067261 3.25 0.001 1.354527 3.415339
Missing 8.367679 2.235536 7.95 0.000 4.953031 14.13641
_cons .0621653 .0142148 -12.15 0.000 .0396856 .0973785
3rd-4th-5th 1.406513 .1967009 2.44 0.015 1.068891 1.850777
One HE 1.217075 .2510323 0.95 0.341 .811894 1.824464
Both HE 1.627588 .3438196 2.31 0.021 1.075168 2.463842
1.save23 .7895424 .1937916 -0.96 0.336 .4876989 1.278201
One HE#1 .5595597 .221171 -1.47 0.142 .2575857 1.215546
Both HE#1 .3399812 .160764 -2.28 0.023 .1343942 .8600612
1998-2008 .5290171 .0940735 -3.58 0.000 .3731534 .7499842
2009-2019 .3611195 .0722338 -5.09 0.000 .2438621 .5347582
Re-partn 1.274623 .2505097 1.23 0.217 .8666648 1.874616
Re-partne 1.412494 .3152844 1.55 0.122 .9114191 2.189048
Missing .5560639 .2399269 -1.36 0.174 .238413 1.296939
_cons .2672354 .0470906 -7.49 0.000 .1890979 .3776603
Wald test
( 1) [Censored]1o.eddyad#1o.save23 = 0 ( 2) [Dissolution]1.eddyad#1.save23 = 0 ( 3) [Marriage]1.eddyad#1.save23 = 0 ( 4) [Censored]2o.eddyad#1o.save23 = 0 ( 5) [Dissolution]2.eddyad#1.save23 = 0 ( 6) [Marriage]2.eddyad#1.save23 = 0 Constraint 1 dropped Constraint 4 dropped F( 4, 847) = 1.53 Prob > F = 0.1911
0 Response to Wald test: the whole interaction not significant but one level is signficant
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