I am use a probit model, and use 2 interaction terms in my regression. There seems to be a problem, as I get different results when I use an inversly coded variable.

The variable 'religionimportance' is coded inversly: 1:Very important 2: Important 3: Not important 4: Not important at all
So the interaction terms are also generated using the inversly coded variable 'religionimportance'
Using it this way, I get these results:
alc Coef. Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
shorttermcon .1118843 .201347 0.56 0.578 -.2827486 .5065173
longtermcon .5218077 .2038899 2.56 0.010 .1221908 .9214246
religionimportancexshort .0156052 .07104 0.22 0.826 -.1236306 .1548411
religionimportancexlong -.122903 .0712793 -1.72 0.085 -.2626078 .0168018
religionimportance .2761201 .0229579 12.03 0.000 .2311235 .3211167
_cons .1510165 .0642998 2.35 0.019 .0249911 .2770419
shorttermcon: short term consequences
longtermcon: long term consequences
religionimportancexshort: (shorttermcon * religionimportance)
religionimportancexlong: (longtermcon * religionimportance)

Furthermore, when I use 'religionimportance' the other way round, I generate a new variable 'religionimp', that is: 1:Not important at all 2: Not important 3: Important 4: Very important
with the interaction terms generated using the new 'religionimp' variable.
Then the results are changing for the shorttermcon & longtermcon, also the p-values. (I was expecting that only the sign of the coefficient would change)
Here are the results when I use the new variable 'religionimp' instead of inversly coded 'religionimportance' variable:
alc Coef. Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
shorttermcon .1899104 .1762609 1.08 0.281 -.1555546 .5353754
longtermcon -.0927071 .1743547 -0.53 0.595 -.434436 .2490218
religionimpxshort -.0156052 .07104 -0.22 0.826 -.1548411 .1236306
religionimpxlong .122903 .0712793 1.72 0.085 -.0168018 .2626078
religionimp -.2761201 .0229579 -12.03 0.000 -.3211167 -.2311235
_cons 1.531617 .0580889 26.37 0.000 1.417765 1.645469

As expected, the coefficients of the variables 'religionimp', 'religionimpxshort' and 'religionimpxlong' only change their signs. Also, the p-values and z statistics remain the same. However, the main variables 'shorttermcon' and 'longtermcon' have totally new coefficients and are now not significant at all.

Could you please show me the way to solve this problem? Or could you please explain why this problem arises? What should I do in this case? Which regression should I proceed with?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,
Mehrzad Baktash