I am currently performing event study in M&A setting. I calculated ARs and CARs but I am stuck at calculating AARs and CAARs for each day in my event window.
//set event and estimation windows
sort merger_id date
gen evt_window = 1 if event_time >= -20 & event_time <= 20
gen est_window = 1 if event_time >= -250 & event_time <= -21
drop if evt_window == . & est_window == .
// estimate normal return model
qui reg ret sp_returns if est_window == 1
// estimate square root of MSE
gen rmse = e(rmse)
// compute ARs for each day during the event window
predict phat
gen ar = ret - phat if evt_window == 1
drop phat
drop if evt_window == 0
//set a sub-period over which you want to calculate CARs
keep if event_window >= -20 & event_window <= 20
// compute CARs
egen car = sum(ar)
gen tstat = car/(rnse*sqrt(_N))
sum car tstat
However, I would like to observe AARs at daily level for my event window (-20, 20) and CAARs?
Can anyone please help me out? I am grateful in advance

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