hello, I use this code in terms of the effect the tariff on output , trade balance, exchange rate. I want to use asdoc and send the Stata output related to all of my regression tables (with 5 lags) to the world. but I do not know how can I receive all tables, separately for each lags.
gen b_f=.
gen se_f=.
forvalues y = 1/6 {
        xtscc f`y' l(0/2)shock l(1/2)f1 l(1/2)a1 l(1/2)u1  i.year  , fe
        replace b_f =  _b[shock] if _n==`y'+1
        replace se_f = _se[shock] if _n==`y'+1
when I use
asdoc            forvalues y = 1/6 {
        xtscc f`y' l(0/2)shock l(1/2)f1 l(1/2)a1 l(1/2)u1  i.year  , fe
        replace b_f =  _b[shock] if _n==`y'+1
        replace se_f = _se[shock] if _n==`y'+1
I received an error,
command asdocforvalues is unrecognized
and so on.

Also, I do not know how can I access the graph in terms of the impulse response function.
I hope I receive your guidance so soon.
tank you so much.