I am trying to reshape the below dataset but I got an error: no xij variables found. Thanks for your help!
reshape long mlog_*, i(age ) j(profile)
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(age mlog_HD mlog_HH mlog_HU mlog_UD mlog_UH mlog_UU) 0 .004579183 .9107729 .08464794 .033043746 .2934907 .6734655 1 .005324981 .9076573 .08701778 .036915746 .29491556 .6681687 2 .006227782 .9040858 .08968644 .0413826 .2955122 .6631052 3 .007324957 .900004 .09267098 .0465443 .29524764 .6582081 4 .008663595 .8953469 .09598954 .05251758 .2940882 .6533942 5 .010303146 .890036 .09966086 .05943817 .29199946 .6485624 6 .0123188 .8839776 .10370362 .06746305 .28894618 .6435907 7 .014805734 .8770588 .10813546 .07677244 .28489274 .6383348 8 .017884482 .869144 .11297154 .0875713 .2798038 .6326249 9 .021707566 .8600699 .1182225 .1000899 .2736456 .6262645 10 .026467614 .8496408 .12389161 .11458267 .2663878 .6190295 11 .032407008 .8376221 .12997088 .13132481 .2580061 .6106691 12 .03982897 .8237353 .13643572 .1506054 .24848618 .6009084 13 .04910954 .8076524 .14323808 .1727161 .2378284 .5894555 14 .06070913 .7889932 .15029763 .1979343 .2260538 .5760119 15 .07518136 .7673277 .15749097 .22649983 .2132108 .5602894 16 .09317504 .7421854 .16463958 .25858563 .1993825 .5420319 17 .11542299 .7130795 .1714976 .2942632 .18469305 .5210438 18 .14270909 .6795489 .17774205 .3334662 .1693125 .4972213 19 .1758036 .6412259 .1829705 .3759573 .15345787 .4705848 20 .2153585 .5979297 .1867118 .4213054 .13738889 .4413058 end
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