Can anybody help me out how I can prevent STATA from reversing the data of aut3? Students filled in a survey with a five points lickert scale and I already reversed the data of the negatively asked questions myself (before entering the data in STATA).
Test scale = mean(unstandardized items)
Reversed item: aut3
Average interitem covariance: .2150992
Number of items in the scale: 8
Scale reliability coefficient: 0.7011
. alpha aut1 aut2 aut3 aut4 aut5 aut6 aut7 aut8, item
Test scale = mean(unstandardized items)
item-test item-rest interitem
Item Obs Sign correlation correlation covariance alpha
aut1 104 + 0.6266 0.4687 .2044125 0.6554
aut2 104 + 0.5809 0.4318 .2171085 0.6653
aut3 104 - 0.4409 0.2481 .2414382 0.7019
aut4 104 + 0.7026 0.5664 .1891559 0.6331
aut5 104 + 0.6260 0.4738 .2058395 0.6550
aut6 104 + 0.5828 0.3697 .2083645 0.6798
aut7 104 + 0.4360 0.2311 .2423806 0.7069
aut8 104 + 0.5751 0.3840 .2120941 0.6742
Test scale .2150992 0.7011
. summarize aut3
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
aut3 104 2.365385 .9353644 1 5
0 Response to Stata automatically reversed my data
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