* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int price byte foreign float t 4425 0 1 5788 0 2 8814 0 3 4082 0 4 6165 0 5 4647 0 6 13594 0 7 6850 1 1 5397 1 2 3995 1 3 end
. reshape wide price, i(t) j(foreign) (note: j = 0 1) Data long -> wide ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of obs. 10 -> 7 Number of variables 3 -> 3 j variable (2 values) foreign -> (dropped) xij variables: price -> price0 price1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . list, sep(0) +---------------------+ | t price0 price1 | |---------------------| 1. | 1 4,425 6,850 | 2. | 2 5,788 5,397 | 3. | 3 8,814 3,995 | 4. | 4 4,082 . | 5. | 5 6,165 . | 6. | 6 4,647 . | 7. | 7 13,594 . | +---------------------+
0 Response to -reshape- is doing something weird, when I go wide, and then back to long, I do not end up with the same dataset.
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