Hi Statalisters! Beginner here.

I ran several regular (OLS) regressions and calculated the elasticities. I want to display the coefficients and elasticities in the same excel file. I also want the p values to be displayed for the elasticities. How do I do it?

This is what I am doing right now:

sysuse auto
eststo one: reg price mpg
eststo two: margins, eyex(mpg)
eststo three: reg price mpg rep78
eststo four: margins, eyex(mpg)
esttab using "trial.csv", replace
What I want is something like this:
(1) (2)
price price
mpg -238.9*** -271.6***
(-4.50) (-4.70)
rep78 667.0
_cons 11253.1*** 9657.8***
(9.61) (7.17)
N 74 69
eyex -.9859019 -1.098493
(.3341136) (.32538)
t statistics in parentheses
What I get is this:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
price price price price
mpg -238.9*** -238.9*** -271.6*** -271.6***
(-4.50) (-4.50) (-4.70) (-4.70)
rep78 667.0 667.0
(1.95) (1.95)
_cons 11253.1*** 11253.1*** 9657.8*** 9657.8***
(9.61) (9.61) (7.17) (7.17)
N 74 74 69 69
t statistics in parentheses
="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"

(P.S. I tried my best with the table - try as I might, the row borders are not showing)