Dear Statalist, I am dealing with a variable that it is in between 0-1 (taking any possible value within these bounds). This variable serves as a moderator (interaction) in a regression. I was asked to report the marginal effects for the mean +/- 2 std (assuming that 95% of observations will be in between). However, as you can see next, the mean – 2 std would be a negative value (which is outside the range of the variable). Does this have to do with the fact that the variable does not follow a normal distribution and that it is not symmetric? Or is it something that I am missing here?
I know it is not properly a Stata question, so, I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.
Thanks for your help.
Percentiles Smallest
1% 0 0
5% 0 0
10% 0 0 Obs 47,493
25% 0 0 Sum of Wgt. 47,493
50% .0094595 Mean .0505029
Largest Std. Dev. .1117768
75% .044 1
90% .13755 1 Variance .012494
95% .261 1 Skewness 4.052373
99% .5909091 1 Kurtosis 22.93133
0 Response to mean +/- 2 std
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