Dear Statalisters,

I am running a logit

svy, subpop(if marital==1&age>17&age<36&(evunion==2)&jbstat!=7&ivfioall==1): logit event1 ib1.skills##i.wave5  i.agesm i.livingpar i.ukborn i.educ2 i.biosonsn2 i.religion i.nssecpar , or level(95)
and, then, computing the marginal effects for skills (which is categorical and has 4 levels) this way

margins , level(95)  post atmeans    dydx(ib1.skills) force at(wave5=(1 2 3)) subpop(if marital==1&age>17&age<36&(evunion==2)&jbstat!=7&ivfioall==1)
I am interesting in obtaining the marginal effects only for specific values of i.skills but I am not sure how to do it. If I specify at(skills=(1(1)3), I still get the contrast 4 vs 1.

The reason I am asking it is that I would like to plot the results with marginsplot later and, if I have the contrast 4 vs.1, marginplot is going to plot that one too.

Could you please help me?

Thank you and best,