Hi All!

I hope you are well.
I have been trying to use linear probability models, but I am not so sure I am doing correctly..

My regression results are here:

Measure Coefficient P-value 95% Confidence Interval
Unadjusted Estimates
Readmission to Hospital -.0052133 .009 -.0091095, -.0013172
Discharge to Community -.0074036 .005 -.0126198, -.0021873
ADL Decline -.000303 .655 -.0016311, .0010251
Length of Stay 2.023417 <.001 1.562751, 2.484082
90-day Costs 978.885 <.001 737.5332, 1220.237
Adjusted Estimates
Readmission to Hospital -.0067059 .309 -.019629, .0062172
Discharge to Community .0193361 .016 .003642, .0350301
ADL Decline -.0029406 .206 -.0074942, .0016131
Length of Stay .2742938 .717 -1.210172, 1.75876
90-day Costs -337.8859 .363 -1065.894, 390.1217

The first three outcomes are binary variables and the other two are continuous.

The key independent variable is 1= advanced practitioners (APs) and 0= physicians.

My interpretations for the adjusted estimates are:

Patients treated by APs are more likely to discharge to the community (1.93 percent point more; p-value 0.16; 95% CI 0.003642 to 0.0350301).
There were no significant differences in the other four outcomes.

Am I correct?

Any advice would be highly appreciated!
