I would like to estimate the predicted probabilities after running a biprobit model. I have tried the code below which returns my output of interest. I would like to save the probabilities, SEs, and CIs resulted from the loop below as a vector and retain the matrix for further analyses.
forvalues i=0/20 { margins if gender == 0 , predict (pmarg1) at ( age=`i' SRH_B=0 ) atmeans // Pr(H-->U .1061349 ) margins if gender == 0 , predict (pmarg2) at ( age=`i' SRH_B=0 ) atmeans // Pr(H-->D .0039474 ) margins if gender == 0 , predict (pmarg1) at ( age=`i' SRH_B=1 ) atmeans // Pr(U-->U .5283681 ) margins if gender == 0 , predict (pmarg2) at ( age=`i' SRH_B=1 ) atmeans // Pr(U-->D .0076857 ) }
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