Hi all, I have a simple question. Say I want to process filenames or variable names with consecutive numbers such like "abc1xyz", "abc2xyz", "abc3xyz", "abc4xyz", ... , "abc100xyz", so I need to generate a local list of these names. Directly using local list "abc1xyz......" makes the code be too long if there are too many consecutive numbers, so I would like to ask if there is any simple way to generate local list with consecutive numbers like this? Many thanks in advance!

PS: I know that if I want to do loop. I can use forvalues x=1/100 and if I want to keep or drop variables I can use keep abc*xyz. But still, sometimes I need the list, for example when I need to keep variables with odd numbers in this list "abc1xyz", "abc2xyz", "abc3xyz", "abc4xyz", ... , "abc100xyz".