Dear list,

My example code is as follows:

webuse auto, clear
forvalues i=1/50 {
    qui gen rhsbrw`i' = .
    qui rhsbsample, strata(foreign) cluster(make) weight(rhsbrw`i')
    qui replace rhsbrw`i'=rhsbrw`i'*weight 
qui svyset make [pw=weight], strata(foreign) vce(bootstrap) bsrweight(rhsbrw*) mse
corr headroom gear_ratio, cov


             | headroom gear_r~o
    headroom |  .715707
  gear_ratio | -.145857  .208198

svy: "how to calculate bootstrap SE of the diff in covariance between headroom and gear_ratio"?
In this example, suppose I have two separate samples (marked by the foreign variable), and both samples have clustered structures (clustervar is make). Further, I have a sampling weight variable weight. How should I use the bootstrap methods to derive the standard error of the difference in the covariance between headroom and gear_ratio? I provided some code above using Philippe Van Kerm's rhsbsample command. However, I am stuck at the last step. One may say that I can simply treat covariance as the mean of the product [X-E(X)][Y-E(Y)], and do the following:

sum head
local headmn=r(mean)
sum gear
local gearmn=r(mean)
gen covv=(head-`headmn')*(gear-`gearmn')
svy: reg covv i.foreign
However, it should be noted that the point estimate of the covariance is not simply the mean of [X-E(X)][Y-E(Y)]. The denominator is weighted N - 1, not weighted N. This makes me believe that I cannot simply use the above syntax for my purpose. See below:

. sum covv

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        covv |         74    -.143886    .3080931   -1.30679   .4317239

. corr head gear ,cov

             | headroom gear_r~o
    headroom |  .715707
  gear_ratio | -.145857  .208198
The mean of covv is actually slightly different from what we can get from corr, cov, because of the difference in the denominator.
Thank you!

Philippe Van Kerm, 2013. "Repeated half-sample bootstrap resampling," United Kingdom Stata Users' Group Meetings 2013 10, Stata Users Group.