I have created a stacked bar graph to look at my main categorical variable which has Yes/No Responses.
I want to look at these responses by another categorical variable where there 5 options.

My code looks like:
graph bar, over(YesNo) by(CatOptions) stack asyvars blabel(bar, size(vsmall)format(%4.1f))

I am still learning how to customize and would like to change 2 things:
  1. Given that there are 5 options, the graph output places 3 bar graphs in one row and 2 on a bottom row. How do I get all of them on the same row or all on one column? even if it means they need to look smaller?
  2. The 5 options are automatically labeled at the top and I can't figure out how to make that specific font smaller because one of the categories I am sorting by has a very long label and it looks very cramped (the blabel I have above doesn't change the size of what I want to do) How do I change the font size of the category labels?