
I want to export a Stata graph to a png-file, but wasn't too satisfied about the quality, especially when zooming in. I noticed that when I export a graph to emf-format and then open it (e.g. in basic MS Paint) and save it there as png-format, the quality is much better than the direct export result as png from Stata. See code below for an example:
sysuse auto
scatter price mpg
graph export Test_via_EMF.emf, replace
graph export Test_PNG_direct.png, replace
Is this normal, or is there a problem related to my PC?
Is there a way to increase the resolution in the Stata graph export command?

See graphs below (1st is a png-file via graph export *. emf and save as png in MS Paint, second is a png-file via graph export *.png)

Thank you,

Array Array