I want to modify then extract the regression table generated with -esttab- command into a .html file.
I used the following code but no file is generated and I don't have an error message neither. So I don't really understand why no file is generated.
esttab using "Table1.html", label mtitles(firm_id) title(Table 1. Commodity and market exposure of 53 firms on the US market(Sample period: January 17th, 1995 - July 27th,2020)) /// addnote("a.This table summarises the results of OLS linear regressions on each firm of our sample over the entire sample period." /// "b.For each firm, firms' daily stock returns are regressed against daily returns of S&P GSCI Commodity Spot, S&P GSCI Agriculture Spot, S&P GSCI Softs Spot, S&P GSCI Grains Spot, S&P GSCI Energy Spot, S&P GSCI Precious Metal Spot,S&P GSCI Industrial Metals Spot, S&P GSCI Livestock Spot and S&P 500 index." /// "c. The estimated coefficients and t-statistics of each regression are presented." /// "d. The level of significance measured by p-valued is shown with stars next to each estimated coefficient. *** means that H0(null hypothesis:the estimated coefficient is not statistically significant) can be rejected at a risk of 0.1%. ** means thatH0 can be rejected at a risk of 1%. * means that H0 can be rejected at a risk of 5%.") ///
Thank you in advance for you generous help.
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