Here is my code.
#delimit ; esttab ols s1 s2 s3 using "table/t3.tex", replace b(4) se(4) star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) nonum nonotes nogaps stat (N tempandsquared precipitation cityFE yearmonthFE r2, label("Observations""Temp and Sq.""Precipitation""City FE""Month-Year FE""R$^2$") fmt(0 4)) mgroups("OLS" "2SLS (Mortality(log))", pattern(1 1 0 0) prefix(\multicolumn{@span}{c}{) suffix(}) span erepeat(\cmidrule(lr){@span})) mtitles("(1)" "(2)" "(3)""(4)") label keep(pm10_10) substitute(\_ _); #delimit cr
I want to make the header as the picture below.
What should I do? Array
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