Hi guys,

I have 9 variables that I'd like to plot with tsline. The data is monthly and I am not able to plot the combined graphs with only the years on the X-axis.
I'd like to have a scale as something like this: 1950 -- 1980 -- 2000 -- 2020, instead of the current cramped full dates: https://imgur.com/a/n4FrBFZ

Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

My do-file:
cd "X:\My Downloads\thesis"

import excel "X:\My Downloads\thesis\final data", sheet("Monthly") firstrow

gen t=_n
tsset t

tsset DATE_m

tsline SENT_m, name(SENT_m)
tsline CPI_m, name(CPI_m)
tsline DEF_m, name(DEF_m)
tsline TED_m, name(TED_m)
tsline IND_m, name(IND_m)
tsline EP_m, name(EP_m)
tsline DP_m, name(DP_m)
tsline DE_m, name(DE_m)
tsline DY_m, name(DY_m)
tsline SMB_m, name(SMB_m)
tsline HML_m, name(HML_m)
tsline STR_m, name(STR_m)
tsline MKT_m, name(MKT_m)
tsline MSCI_m, name(MSCI_m)
tsline UNEM_m, name(UNEM_m)

graph combine SENT_m DEF_m DP_m DE_m DY_m EP_m HML_m IND_m CPI_m, col(3) row(3)