Dear Forum,

I would like to box plot sCD163 over HIV status (positive vs. negative) (i) stratified by levels (tertiles) of cardiac function (tert_mv2) as (ii) well as overall, ie, just HIV positive vs HIV negative (total). Second - and for which I need some advice - I would like to color code the HIV status (positive = red; negative = blue).

I have the below copied box plot without colors written with the following command:

- graph box cd163, over(hiv) over(tert_mv2, total)

To add color, I have tried the following command which, unfortunately, then changes the plot as also copied below.

- graph box cd163, over(hiv) over(tert_mv2, total) nofill asyvars bar(1, color(blue)) bar(2, color(red))

I will very much appreciate any suggestions you may have on how to go about this.

Thanks in advance.


