I am would love some help understanding how to run a 2SLS. I am replicating a table and first ran an OLS estimate of the return to education holding year-of-birth effects constant with dummy variables for each year getting the correct coefficients and standard errors using:

"regress logwage education dum1930 dum1931 dum1932 dum1933 dum1934 dum1935 dum1936 dum1937 dum1938"

Now I need to run a 2SLS using quarter-of-birth dummies as instruments for years of education. Furthermore, I am instructed that "Instruments are a full set of quarter-of-birth times year-of-brith interactions".
I have been trying to use something that uses dummy variables for the quarters of birth but not getting the correct answers:

"ivreg logwage dum1931 dum1932 dum1933 dum1934 dum1935 dum1936 dum1937 dum1938 dum1939 (education = dumqob1 dumqob2 dumqob3)"

I have never done 2SLS before and am grateful for your help!

The data below is Quarter of Birth, Year of Birth, Education Level, Log Weekly Wage
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte qob int yob byte education float logwage
1 1933 12   6.245846
4 1933 12   5.847161
1 1930 12   6.645516
1 1933 16   6.706133
4 1937 14   6.357876
4 1935 12   5.441835
1 1938 12    6.39066
1 1930 12   4.607667
3 1939 12   6.553961
2 1936  7   7.017041
3 1934 14    6.39066
4 1934 13   6.935289
4 1935 16   6.533516
3 1937 12   6.030926
1 1937 10   6.252533
4 1935 20   7.313221
1 1938 12   6.594229
1 1933 13   6.088502
2 1937 12    6.32398
3 1936 12   6.725576
1 1938 12   5.522127
4 1931 12   4.643836
2 1936  9   5.790019
3 1936  1   4.903136
3 1930  6   5.259596
1 1934  1   5.259596
1 1939  6   4.998381
4 1939 14   6.175587
1 1934  8   5.847161
4 1931  6   5.434904
3 1932  9   6.190276
1 1939  7   2.144956
3 1937 11   5.154292
2 1930 12   5.729413
4 1934  6   5.076735
1 1936 10   4.829082
4 1939 11   5.824032
3 1934  6   5.216794
1 1939  7   4.973191
2 1935  9    4.86191
4 1936 12   5.441835
1 1939  8   5.561051
4 1935 12  4.1905284
1 1931 13   5.691204
2 1934  8   5.847161
2 1936 13   6.254921
3 1935 14   5.036578
1 1932 12   4.526169
1 1933 14    5.48264
2 1934 11   5.886382
2 1936  6   4.895349
1 1938 11   5.426651
4 1937 11   5.259596
4 1931  6   4.771743
1 1934 16   6.175587
4 1935 14   6.092223
3 1931 18   5.693662
4 1935 12   5.664895
2 1938 18   6.115849
3 1937 13   5.595926
4 1937 10   5.108855
2 1935 16   6.134774
2 1938  9   6.195386
2 1937 12   4.701389
2 1931 17   6.033475
3 1931 16  4.3075624
3 1939 12   4.972081
4 1936 15   4.607667
2 1931 12   5.154292
3 1934 10  4.0539565
4 1935 14   5.162243
2 1931 14   5.906462
3 1936 14   5.952494
2 1934 12   5.729413
3 1936 12   5.465704
1 1937 11   5.259596
4 1934  9   1.920874
4 1932 11   5.259596
1 1933 18   5.812119
3 1939  7   4.566949
4 1930 16   5.559572
2 1933 12 -2.3418057
3 1931  7   4.202202
3 1939 12   4.958667
3 1932 18   6.483019
1 1936  6   5.331882
3 1930 10   4.838264
4 1935  9    7.46365
1 1931 12   5.683383
2 1939 12   5.095193
4 1933  4  4.4616995
2 1934 16   6.357876
2 1933 12   5.927342
3 1934  6   2.961499
3 1933 10   4.972081
1 1933  6   4.749104
4 1939 12   5.635147
1 1939 10   5.481056
1 1935 10   5.496143
2 1938  9   5.664895