
I am trying to estimate the impact of directors' remuneration on firm performance. My unbalanced data set comprises 1696 firms and 16 time periods (in particular, years). I have 7 independent variables in total. In existent literature, fixed effects model (xtreg, fe) has been used as a common methodology to estimate parameters. Below is my model.

xtreg Profitability4 Size2 Leverage1 CurrentRatio SalesGro CapitalExpenditure2 WPromoterSharesin1 AD_Totalremuneration i.Year, fe
I checked for serial correlation in the error term using the command xtserial and found presence of serial correlation. Below is the output for the same.

Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data
H0: no first-order autocorrelation
    F(  1,    1084) =    216.002
           Prob > F =      0.0000
Then, I checked for group-wise heteroskedasticity (using command xttest3) and found presence of the same. Below is the concerned output.

Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity
in fixed effect regression model

H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i

chi2 (1264)  =  2.6e+36
Prob>chi2 =      0.0000
Finally, I checked for cross-sectional dependence using xtcdf and found presence of cross-sectional dependence. Here is the result.

quietly: xtreg Profitability4 Size2 Leverage1 CurrentRatio SalesGro CapitalExpenditure2
>  WPromoterSharesin1 AD_Totalremuneration i.Year, fe

. predict res, r
(15,392 missing values generated)

. xtcdf Profitability4 res

xtcd test on variables Profitability4 res
Panelvar: CompanyID
Timevar: Year
    Variable    |  CD-test   p-value   average joint T | mean ρ   mean abs(ρ) |
 Profitability4 +  119.953    0.000         13.24      +  0.03       0.31     | 54693 com
> binations of panel units ignored (insufficient joint observations).
      res       +  1.985      0.047          8.29      +  0.00       0.17     | 843986 co
> mbinations of panel units ignored (insufficient joint observations).
 Notes: Under the null hypothesis of cross-section independence, CD ~ N(0,1)
        P-values close to zero indicate data are correlated across panel groups.

I have the following questions:

1. I would like to know if I have run the xtcdf correctly. Also, what does presence of cross-sectional dependence mean intuitively?
2. Since my data set exhibits serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and cross-sectional dependence, should I use xtreg, fe cluster(CompanyID) or xtscc, fe? What are the relevant criteria for choosing one of the these two commands?
3. While using xtscc, I realised that it does not support use of factor variables. In that case, should I manually create time dummies and introduce them in the model?
4. How should we select the number of lags in case of xtscc?

Thanks and Regards,