I am trying to estimate the impact of directors' remuneration on firm performance. My unbalanced data set comprises 1696 firms and 16 time periods (in particular, years). I have 7 independent variables in total. In existent literature, fixed effects model (xtreg, fe) has been used as a common methodology to estimate parameters. Below is my model.
xtreg Profitability4 Size2 Leverage1 CurrentRatio SalesGro CapitalExpenditure2 WPromoterSharesin1 AD_Totalremuneration i.Year, fe
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data
H0: no first-order autocorrelation
F( 1, 1084) = 216.002
Prob > F = 0.0000
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroskedasticity in fixed effect regression model H0: sigma(i)^2 = sigma^2 for all i chi2 (1264) = 2.6e+36 Prob>chi2 = 0.0000
quietly: xtreg Profitability4 Size2 Leverage1 CurrentRatio SalesGro CapitalExpenditure2 > WPromoterSharesin1 AD_Totalremuneration i.Year, fe . predict res, r (15,392 missing values generated) . xtcdf Profitability4 res xtcd test on variables Profitability4 res Panelvar: CompanyID Timevar: Year ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Variable | CD-test p-value average joint T | mean ρ mean abs(ρ) | ----------------+--------------------------------------+----------------------| Profitability4 + 119.953 0.000 13.24 + 0.03 0.31 | 54693 com > binations of panel units ignored (insufficient joint observations). res + 1.985 0.047 8.29 + 0.00 0.17 | 843986 co > mbinations of panel units ignored (insufficient joint observations). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Notes: Under the null hypothesis of cross-section independence, CD ~ N(0,1) P-values close to zero indicate data are correlated across panel groups.
I have the following questions:
1. I would like to know if I have run the xtcdf correctly. Also, what does presence of cross-sectional dependence mean intuitively?
2. Since my data set exhibits serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and cross-sectional dependence, should I use xtreg, fe cluster(CompanyID) or xtscc, fe? What are the relevant criteria for choosing one of the these two commands?
3. While using xtscc, I realised that it does not support use of factor variables. In that case, should I manually create time dummies and introduce them in the model?
4. How should we select the number of lags in case of xtscc?
Thanks and Regards,
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