Dear all,

In my dataset I have 5 dummies, indicating whether a firm belongs to a specific group.
I want to create a summary statistics where the rows are my variables, first line of column are the group and second line of columns there is mean and sd. Just to give you the clearest overview, the results should be likt this picture following

So on stata this is what I've done
gen group_48=.
replace group_48=1  if quint48_1==1
replace group_48=2 if quint48_2==1
replace group_48=3  if quint48_3==1
replace group_48=4 if quint48_4==1
replace group_48=5  if quint48_5==1
group_48 is my group varuable

bys group_48: asdoc sum sdresidual dac abn_cfo abn_prod abn_disexp aver_shareturn average_inst_hhi average_perc_inst average_numb_inst analysts_log logat cashvol salevol workcapit proploss delsalegrowth futearn ppe_control deltaWRC changesale cfo_control futearn earn bigaud accr roa if e(sample), stat(N mean sd)
Now I'm using asdoc, but also with tabstat I obtain this output on stata that is puzzling to me. I'm uploading a picture rather than using -dataex- because I don't know other way to give you the best overview of my output:

Here the problem are twice:
1. The coumns should be the row
2. Stata seems to recognize only two groups.

Thanks for your time and for any suggestion you may have