
I am using catplot (thanks Nick for the great package) and I am trying to have 2 dimensions of colors. In the first variable grouping, I want different intensities of color by group. In the second variable grouping, I want different base colors e.g. blue, red, and purple. For example, see the below code:

For some data input use below:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(politics political_degree)
1 2
2 3
2 3
2 3
2 3
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 3
1 3
1 3
1 3
0 4
0 4
0 4
0 4
For the graph template that I am currently working with see below:

catplot political_degree politics, ///
      percent(politics) ///
      var1opts(relabel(1 "Not at all" 2 " " ///
      3 " " 4 " " 5 "Exetremely") label(labsize(small))) ///
      var2opts(relabel(1 "Independent/Other" 2 "Republican Party" 3 "Democratic Party") label(labsize(small))) ///
      l1title("") ///
      ytitle("Percent of Participants by Political Party", size(small)) ///
      title("Political Party Affiliation by Strength of Association", size(medium)) ///
      recast(bar) ///
      blabel(bar, format(%4.1f) size(vsmall)) ///
      graphregion(fcolor(white)) ///
      intensity(25) ///
      asyvars ///
      bar(1, color(navy) fintensity(inten20)) ///
      bar(2, color(navy) fintensity(inten40)) ///
      bar(3, color(navy) fintensity(inten60)) ///
      bar(4, color(navy) fintensity(inten80)) ///
      bar(5, color(navy) fintensity(inten100)) ///
      legend(rows(1) stack size(small) ///
      order(1 "Not at all" 2 "" 3 "" ///
      4 "" 5 "Extremely") ///
      symplacement(center) ///
      title(Strength of Political Affiliation, size(small)))
In essence, what I am trying to figure out is how I can keep the scaling intensity of the colors regarding political degree, but vary the base color between the politics variable e.g. political party. Also, if at all possible, I want to then retain the color in the legend a gray base with then scaling intensity as well.

Is this at all possible? Does it have something to do with putting bar() inside of var#opt?

Any help would be great!

