Dear all,

I am stuck with the following challenge:
I have household data with the information: household id, appliance ownership (num_tv, num_fan, num_phones, etc. that define the number of corresponding appliance owned), income etc.. Now, I would like to generate household groups with typical appliance ownerships. As my income variables and the housing size do not significantly influence the number of appliances owned (if owned, and if so, how many), I came up with generating household types depending on number of nucleus members hoping that I find significant differences --> hhtype (1 = single person household, 2 = couple with no children and 3 = couple with children). Now, I would like to find a neat way to present typical appliance ownerships of these households.

I would like to generate a table per hhytype which shows the average number within the group (i think mode is here the right option) of each appliance owned to have a quick overview, e.g.
hhtype mode(num_tv) mode(num_fan) mode(num_phone)
1 0 1 1
2 1 2 3
3 1 2 4
Does anybody have any idea?

Cheers and thanks for the help in advance