Hi. I have a local (defined below). I also have a string variable Event. I want to only retain words contained in the local below in the Event variable. A single observation may have more than one element of the local in it along with other information.

#delim ;

local list `" "argentina"  "australia" "austria" "belgium" "brazil" "canada" ///
"chile" "china" "colombia" "denmark" "finland" "france" "germany" "greece"   ///
"hong kong" "india" "ireland" "israel" "italy" "japan" "luxembourg"      ///
"malaysia" "mexico" "netherlands" "new zealand" "norway" "peru" "us" "eu"    ///
"philippines" "portugal" "russian federation" "south africa" "south korea"   ///
"spain" "sweden" "switzerland" "thailand" "turkey" "uk" "usa" "venezuela"    ///
"worldwide" "asia" "australasia" "ec" "europe" "';

#delim cr

 clear input str60 event
"the us; analgesic, other"                                            
"pain, neuropathic"                                          
"poland; romania; spain"    
"canada and russia; conjunctivitis, allergic"
"nas; germany"
"amersham health"                                            
the us, 20030731"                                            
"the us, 20030630"                                            
"the eu, follicular lymphoma"
"outside the us and japan; allergy"
"canada and russia; conjunctivitis, allergic"
"cancer; us and uk"
"the us; analgesic, other"                                
"pain, neuropathic"