
I am analyzing the impact of tariffs on trade using ppml_panel_sg, and an r(3203) error sometimes pops up. I have bilateral trade flows and data from 2000 onwards. Trade is aggregated into certain product groups, one at a time at this stage, so there is no industry dimension. My regression is

ppml_panel_sg importvalue tariffrate, ex(reporter_id) im(partner_id) y(year)

and I receive the following error message:

MapRowsToIntegers(): 3203 <tmp>[1,106228] found where colvector required
GenGroupSampleNumeric(): - function returned error
<istmt>: - function returned error

The error is
3203. colvector required
An argument is required to be r x 1 and it is not.

The odd thing is that this happens with some product groups I’ve created but not with others.

I have checked that there are no missing data and no duplicates. It makes no difference whether the ex and im variables are string or numeric. My Stata and ppml_panel_sg are up to date.

The error may of course have nothing to do with ppml_panel_sg. However, the error does not appear if I use xtreg, for example.

I appreciate any advice you may have on this problem. Thank you in advance.

Best wishes, Ville