Hello all,

I am running a metanalysis using a precomputed effect size and standard error.
I have no issues declaring the data for the metanalysis but when I select the random effect models for these analysis I get the error "Convergence not achieved during tau2 estimation". Summary command runs when I use a fixed-effect model but this type of model is not appropriate for the analysis of the data.

meta set Meanatbaseline SDbaseline if ( _Study_design=="A" ), studylabel(_author_year) studysize( _pop) eslabel( baseline )
(75 missing values generated)

Meta-analysis setting information

Study information
No. of studies: 15
Study label: _author_year
Study size: _pop

Effect size
Type: Generic
Label: baseline
Variable: Meanatbaseline

Std. Err.: SDbaseline
CI: [_meta_cil, _meta_ciu]
CI level: 95%

Model and method
Model: Random-effects
Method: REML

. meta summarize
Convergence not achieved during tau2 estimation

thank you for your help