
I am a beginner.

I wanted to merge two datasets with a common HHID variable. I have tried the following:

merge 1:m HHID using Dataset2

I get the following error message is:

variable HHID does not uniquely identify observations in the master data

I also tried to merge with m:1 by switching master and slave datasets. Got the same error message.

I appreciate the help. Thanks.

Codebook of HHID of my two datasets:

1. Dataset 1 (master dataset with 49242 observations and 5 variables)

. codebook HHID

HHID Household unique ID by Eco_Reg, Province, District, and EA

type: string (str9)

unique values: 5977 missing "": 0/49242

examples: "210237405"

2. Dataset 2 (slave dataset with 6000 observations and 1246 variables)

. codebook HHID

HHID Household unique ID by Eco_Reg, Province, District, and EA

type: string (str9)

unique values: 6000 missing "": 0/6000

examples: "210237115"
