Dear all,

I need your support with an issue faced with the two-way area command. When I am plotting a triangle with a shaded area, I am getting a small support line for each element that runs to the baseline axis (see below). This issue does not appear if I am using a line plot. Hence, I assume that is had to do something with the area command.

Thank you for your thoughts on this issue.

Best regards,


Please find below the output as pdf (focus on the lower left corner of each triangle).


Please see below the minimal example:

clear all
set obs 11
g id = 2 if _n>=6 & _n<=11
replace id = 1 if _n>=2 & _n<=5

g _x = .
g _y = .

replace _x = 25 in 2
replace _y = 25 in 2
replace _x = 50 in 3
replace _y = 75 in 3
replace _x = 75 in 4
replace _y = 25 in 4
replace _x = 25 in 5
replace _y = 25 in 5

replace _x = 45 in 7
replace _y = 45 in 7
replace _x = 50 in 8
replace _y = 55 in 8
replace _x = 55 in 9
replace _y = 45 in 9
replace _x = 45 in 10
replace _y = 45 in 10

levelsof id, local(id_list)

foreach id in `id_list' {
local graph_shape (area _y _x if id==`id', ///
fcolor(red%20) lwidth(none) plotregion(color(none))) `graph_shape'

twoway `graph_shape' ///
, legend(off) graphregion(color(white)) plotregion(margin(0 0 0 0)) ylab(, nogrid)

graph export "graph_2.pdf", replace
graph export "graph_2.png", replace