Good morning. I am a researcher unfamiliar with stpm2. I have some questions regarding stpm2 execution. First, how do you determine the proper dftvc (?) When using the tvc option in stpm2? Many studies have seen using dftvc (3).
Second, I'm doing an exploratory study with multiple independent variables (the number of independent variables is 30 and the time-dependent variable is 8 as a result of the cox proportional assumption test). The tvc option says that factor variables are not allowed. If so, do you have to split and make a term like (_t # dum1_dv1 _t # dum2_dv1 _t # dum3_dv1) after splitting as in cox? Analysis was not performed when analyzed in this way.
Lastly, I am wondering if I can draw a graph in stpm2 using tvc.

What should I do when I want to graph the difference in risk function of gender in stpm2? As a result of analyzing and drawing a model that does not include tvc, the lines are not smooth and very volatile. What is wrong? The statement is:

predict hsex0, hazard at (sex 0)
predict hsex1, hazard at (sex 1)
sort _t
twoway connect hsex0 * _t, name (g5, replace) nodraw title ("sex0")
twoway connect hsex1 * _t, name (g5, replace) nodraw title ("sex1")
graph combine g5 g6, xcommon ycommon name (g7, replace)

Thanks for the answer!