I have Panel data ranging over 8 time periods (quarters).

For each individual, there are 4 quarters worth of data for each variable.
Each variable is written like so: AGE1, AGE2, AGE3, AGE4, AGE5, AGE6, AGE7, AGE8.

Instead, I would like to have just one AGE variable, but a separate column for QUARTER where I specify quarters 1-8. How can I do this? On excel or stata is fine.

My aim is to create a dummy variable for pre/post 1st April 2016. So I want to be able to tell stata that Q1-4 = 0 and Q5-8 = 1.

(My data is the one with PERSID at the top left, taken from LFS. The other image is from an example dataset which I want to imitate.)Array Array