
I have 7 variables, which are actually for one survey question that asks respondents to rank the importance of 7 options. The data were entered in a way that separates the seven choices as 7 variables and each row was a ranking for the separate variables.

the data looks like this:
variable name: health repro breed meat nutr care rankoth
variable label: Animal Health and Well Being Reproduction Animal Breeding/Genetics Meat Science Nutrition Management and daily care of animals Others
ID: 1 3 1 2 6 4 5 7
ID: 2 3 1 2 7 5 4 6
That way, I need all seven variables on one graph for it to make sense. For instance, the simplest graph I want is just displaying the means of these 7 variables on one graph, probably as a bar chart.
Further analysis would require a side-by-side bar chart that displays the mean ranking (y) for each of the seven variables (x) by gender (so there are two bars).

In short, I just want to put multiple 2-way graphs between "1 categorical variable and (mean of) 1 quantitative variable" of multiple quantitative variables on one graph.

This is something I want: Array

is there any way to do that in stata? Thanks!