Dear Stata experts,

I currently am writing my bachelor thesis regarding the topic International Joint Ventures, it is a quantitative study and therefore I have to use stata (for the first time ever). I have been looking at several youtube tutorial but none of them explain the steps I need to undertake in order to answer my research question.

My research question is: What is the influence of the ownership structure (measured in % of equity held) of an IJV on the performance of IJVs in emerging markets?

My dependent variable is: IJV financial performance, measured in ROE.

My independent variables are: Acquiror Country of origin (same country as target or not), foreign minority owned IJV (measured in %), equal split owned IJV (measured in %) and foreign majority owned (measured in %).

I understand how a regression works but I do not know how to make it work in stata. My specific question is: How do I put in stata that it firstly has to look at the origin of the acquiror, whether he comes from the same country as the target or not (so foreign or not) --> Meaning that stata has to distinguish if the shareholder comes from the same country as the International Joint venture is located in or from a foreign country.

Then at the % of ownership (is if foreign majority owned (>50%), foreign minority owned (<50%) or equal split (50:50)). And finally what is the implication for the performance of that target company?

Attached you can find my data in excel, I hope some of you can help me out since I am completely stuck.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Kind regards