I am analysing a data set where my dependent variable (expenses claimed) is censored at 0 and thus wish to use a Tobit model to analyse my results. I am interested in testing both a univariate version (i.e. Tobit type-1 or one-step Tobit) and bivariate version (i.e. Tobit type-2 or double hurdle model). These are the current commands I am using:
* Tobit Type-1 tobit depvar varlist1 varlist2, ll(0) * Tobit Type-2 probit depvar varlist1 varlist2 truncreg depvar varlist1 varlist2, ll(0)
* IV Tobit Type-1 ivtobit depvar varlist1 (varlist2 = varlistiv), ll(0)
* IV Tobit Type-2 ivprobit depvar varlist1 (varlist2 = varlistiv) ivregress depvar varlist1 (varlist2 = varlistiv) if depvar>0
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